Knowledge atlas Science

Vladimir Đukanović, Ethnologist and cultural anthropologist


Vladimir Đukanović is a dedicated ethnologist and anthropologist of the newer generation of experts who, in his daily work, strives to preserve the material and immaterial heritage of the local community, and Bosnian and Herzegovina as well.

Name of Field in the local language
Etnologija i kulkturalna antropologija.
Area of Expertise
Traditional crafts, folk architecture
Scientists / Scientific team
Vladimir Đukanović
Location, Institution, Website
Museum of Republic of Srpska, Đure Daničića 1, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 65 978839
Type of Institution
Cultural institution - Museum
Years of Active working in the Field
Collaborators or Successors
Ljilja Korać

Laboratory and research space
Office space, archives, libraries, online repositories, other digital scientific research catalogues and adjacent academic platforms, fieldwork
Materials and equipment
Computer, audio and video recorders
Research Methods / Processes
Interviews with tellers (common people), recording of video and photo material, study of archival material and documentation and research and use of literature (primary and secondary sources).
Education of the Scientist
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, University of Banja Luka

Most impactful project
'Old crafts in the Republic of Srpska' (book), 'Zmijanje - Kočić's hearth' (book), 'Log cabin churches in the Republic of Srpska - legends or truths' (book), Implementation of a Permanent ethnological exhibition in the Museum of the Republic of Srpska (project), Realization of the Permanent ethnological exhibition in the Zenica City Museum (project), Realization of Permanent ethnological exibition “Kočičevo ognjište / hearth” - Stričići (project), the first ethnological film of the Museum of the Republic of Srpska "Kosci" (film - project), promotional film "Zmijanjski vez / Zmijanje embroidery" (film - project)

Awards, certifications, or scientific recognition
Plaque of the City of Banja Luka for exceptional achievements in the field of culture Plaque of the Native Society Zmijanje Thank you note from ICOM BiH