Conversations, Long forms and other Reflections on topics of eco-social design, preservation of cultural material heritage as well as alternative means of production in today’s society.
The interdisciplinary symposium explores coastlines and marine environments through ecological, anthropological, geopolitical, and cultural lenses. The event encourages innovative ways of engaging with the sea, drawing from the ongoing Echoes of the Abyss project by Robertina Šebjanič that examines the environmental impact of munitions disposal in oceans and the complex human-ecological dynamics that affect marine ecosystems.
The intersection of art, science, and marine ecosystems as an introduction to the residency in Croatia
MADE IN joins Ruxandra Lupu, Marie Curie Fellow, MaterialDriven and Kim Cordes in the webinar by World Crafts Council Europe (WCCE) to explore how the innovation and experimentation of traditional craft knowledge can push new boundaries in terms of business models, materials, education, skills and community engagement. The webinar was part of the New European Bauhaus Festival satellite events programme 2024. photo: Luka Karlin / MAO
The MADE IN Dialogue event held by Nova Iskra focused on the artistic exploration of the future of technology and interdisciplinary collaboration in art.
The seminar by Drugo More explores the relationship between nature and human activities, with one panel delving into natural resources being used in construction and ways in which materials and traditional techniques can be useful in the modern world as well as addressing local deforestation, while the second panel will examine the sea as an attractive force in the tourism industry that transforms both the coast and the sea for short-lived pleasures.
The event hosted by MADE IN partners MUO, Oaza, Drugo more at Nikola Tesla Technical Museum in Zagreb using the example of the Adriatic Sea delved into the exploration of sea-related resources. Diverse lectures covered topics ranging from marine ecosystems to the impact of tourism on the sea environment, shedding light on crucial environmental issues, offering insights into various aspects of sea exploitation and sustainability. The event showcased a multidisciplinary approach towards understanding and conserving the Adriatic Sea.