Dialogues Stakeholder meeting

MADE IN Platform Portugal

Passa Ao Futuro explored, how can the collaboration between designer and craftsperson facilitate positive futures for ancestral arts and crafts in the context of the 21st century.

IMG_4455_Made In Dialogues_Lisbon_PAF_PassaAoFuturo©AstridSuzano
  • Date Jul 17, 2023
  • Stakeholder Meeting 17 July 2023 | Babled Studio, Lisbon | Passa Ao Futuro

In addition to the presentation by Astrid Suzano (co-founder of Passa Ao Futuro), a roundtable discussion on collaborations between designers and craftspeople took place. Together with the invited speakers – Christian Haas (Studio Christian Haas), Nuno Henriques (Toino Abel), Felipa Almeida (Estúdio Felipa Almeida), Luis de Oliveira (De La Espada), and Catarina Portas (A Vida Portuguesa & Depozito) – the event explored on how these collaborations support and enable the continuity of traditional craftsmanship in contemporary society. The roundtable, moderated by Maria Ana Neves, was followed by a Q&A session open to the public.


18:30 Presentation of MADE IN platform
Astrid Suzano, Passa Ao Futuro

18:40 Guest Presentations: Christian Haas, Studio Christian Haas
Nuno Henriques, Founder Toino Abel
Luis de Oliveira, Founder De La Espada
Felipa Almeida, Curator of Art and Craft
Catarina Portas, Founder Vida Portuguesa

19:10 Roundtable Discussion “How Can Designer-Artisan Collaboration Facilitate Positive Futures for Ancestral Arts and Crafts in the Context of the 21st Century?”
Moderated by Maria Ana Botelho Neves

Christian Haas, Studio Christian Haas
Nuno Henriques, Founder Toino Abel
Luis de Oliveira, Founder De La Espada
Felipa Almeida, Curator of Art and Craft
Catarina Portas, Founder Vida Portuguesa

Stakeholder meeting

MADE IN Portugal Flyer

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